
20 Difference Between Plant Cell and Animal Cell

Difference between plant and animal cells

1. Ultra Structure of Eukaryotic Cell 2. Protoplasm 3. Cell Wall 4. Cell Membrane

Plant and Animal cell

Difference between plant and animal cells

1. Ultra Structure of Eukaryotic Cell

The eukaryotic cell is highly distinct in its organisation. It shows several variations in different organisms. For instance, the eukaryotic cells in plants and animals vary greatly (Figure 6.8).

Animal Cell

Animal cells are surrounded by cell membrane or plasma membrane. Inside this membrane the gelatinous matrix called protoplasm is seen to contain nucleus and other organelles which include the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, golgi bodies, centrioles, lysosomes, ribosomes and cytoskeleton.

Plant cell

A typical plant cell has prominent cell wall, a large central vacuole and plastids in addition to other organelles present in animal cell (Figure 6.9 and 6.10).

2. Protoplasm

Protoplasm is the living content of the cell that is surrounded by plasma membrane. It is a colourless material that exists throughout the cell together with the cytoplasm, nucleus and other organelles. Protoplasm is composed of a mixture of small particles, such as ions, amino acids, monosaccharides, water, macromolecules like nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and polysaccharides. It appears colourless, jelly like gelatinous, viscous elastic and granular. It appears foamy due to the presence of large number of vacuoles. It responds to the stimuli like heat, electric shock, chemicals and so on.

3. Cell Wall

Cell wall is the outermost protective cover of the cell. It is present in bacteria, fungi and plants whereas it is absent in animal cell. It was first observed by Robert Hooke. It is an actively growing portion. It is made up of different complex material in various organism. In bacteria it is composed of peptidoglycan, in fungi chitin and fungal cellulose, in algae cellulose, galactans and mannans. In plants it is made up of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, cutin, suberin and silica.

In plant, cell wall shows three distinct regions (a) Primary wall (b) Secondary wall (c) Middle lamellae (Figure 6.11).

a. Primary wall

It is the first layer inner to middle lamellae, primarily consisting of loose network of cellulose microfibrils in a gel matrix. It is thin, elastic and extensible. In most plants the microfibrils are made up of cellulose oriented differently based on shape and thickness of the wall. The matrix of the primary wall is composed of hemicellulose, pectin, glycoprotein and water. Hemicellulose binds the microfibrils with matrix and glycoproteins control the orientation of microfibrils while pectin serves as filling material of the matrix. Cells such as parenchyma and meristems have only primary wall.

b. Secondary wall

Secondary wall is laid during maturation. It plays a key role in determining the shape of a cell. It is thick, inelastic and is made up of cellulose and lignin. The secondary wall is divided into three sublayers termed as S1, S2 and S3 where the cellulose microfibrils are compactly arranged with different orientation forming a laminated structure and the cell wall strength is increased.

c. Middle lamellae

It is the outermost layer made up of calcium and magnesium pectate, deposited at the time of cytokinesis. It is a thin amorphous layer which cements two adjacent cells. It is optically inactive (isotropic).

Plasmodesmata and Pits

Plasmodesmata act as a channel between the protoplasm of adjacent cells through which many substances pass through. Moreover, at few regions the secondary wall layer is laid unevenly whereas the primary wall and middle lamellae are laid continuously such regions are called pits. The pits of adjacent cells are opposite to each other. Each pit has a pit chamber and a pit membrane. The pit membrane has many minute pores and thus they are permeable. The pits are of two types namely simple and bordered pit.

Functions of cell wall

The cell wall plays a vital role in holding several important functions given below

1) Offers definite shape and rigidity to the cell.

2) Serves as barrier for several molecules to enter the cells.

3) Provides protection to the internal protoplasm against mechanical injury.

4) Prevents the bursting of cells by maintaining the osmotic pressure.

5) Plays a major role by acting as a mechanism of defense for the cells.

4. Cell Membrane

The cell membrane is also called cell surface (or) plasma membrane. It is a thin structure which holds the cytoplasmic content called 'cytosol'. It is extremely thin (less than 10nm).

Fluid Mosaic Model

Jonathan Singer and Garth Nicolson (1972) proposed fluid mosaic model.

It is made up of lipids and proteins together with a little amount of carbohydrate. The lipid membrane is made up of phospholipid. The phospholipid molecule has a hydrophobic tail and hydrophilic head. The hydrophobic tail repels water and hydrophilic head attracts water. The proteins of the membrane are globular proteins which are found intermingled between the lipid bilayer most of which are projecting beyond the lipid bilayer. These proteins are called as integral proteins. Few are superficially attached on either surface of the lipid bilayer which are called as peripheral proteins. The proteins are involved in transport of molecules across the membranes and also act as enzymes, receptors (or) antigens.

The Carbohydrate molecules of cell membrane are short chain polysaccharides. These are either bound with 'glycoproteins' or 'glycolipids' and form a 'glyocalyx' (Figure 6.12).

The movement of membrane lipids from one side of the membrane to the other side by vertical movement is called flip flopping or flip flop movement. This movement takes place more slowly than lateral diffusion of lipid molecule. The phospholipids can have flip flop movement because the phospholipids have smaller polar regions, whereas the proteins cannot flip flop because the polar region is extensive.

Function of Cell Membrane

The functions of the cell membrane is enormous which includes cell signalling, transporting nutrients and water, preventing unwanted substances entering into the cell, and so on.

Cell Transport

Cell membrane act as a channel of transport for molecules. The membrane is selectively permeable to molecules. It transports molecules through energy dependant process and energy independent process. The membrane proteins (channel and carrier) are involved in movement of ions and molecules across the membrane (Figure 6.13).

Endocytosis and Exocytosis

Cell surface membrane are able to transport individual molecules and ions. There are processes in which a cell can transport a large quantity of solids and liquids into cell (endocytosis) or out of cell (exocytosis) (Figure 6.14).

Endocytosis: During endocytosis the cell wraps the cell surface membrane around the material and brings it into cytoplasm  inside a vesicle. There are two types of endocytosis:

1) Phagocytosis – Particle is engulfed by membrane, which folds around it and forms a vesicle. The enzymes digest the material and products are absorbed by cytoplasm.

2) Pinocytosis – Fluid droplets are engulfed by membrane, which forms vesicles around them.

Exocytosis: Vesicles fuse with plasma membrane and eject contents. This passage of material out of the cell is known as exocytosis. This material may be a secretion in the case of digestive enzymes, hormones or mucus.

Signal Transduction

The process by which the cell receive information from outside and respond is called signal transduction . Plants, fungi and animal cell use nitric oxide as one of the many signalling molecules. The cell membrane is the site of chemical interactions of signal transduction. Receptors receives the information from first messenger and transmit the message through series of membrane proteins. It activates second messenger which stimulates the cell to carry out specific function.


Cytoplasm is the main arena of various activities of a cell. It is the semifluid gelatinous substance that fills the cell. It is made up of eighty percent water and is usually clear and colourless. The cytoplasm is sometimes described as non nuclear content of protoplasm. The cytoplasm serves as a molecular soup where all the cellular organelles are suspended and bound together by a lipid bilayer plasma membrane. It constitutes dissolved nutrients, numerous salts and acids to dissolve waste products. It is a very good conductor of electricity. It gives support and protection to the cell organelles. It helps movement of the cellular materials around the cell through a process called cytoplasmic streaming. Further, most cellular activities such as many metabolic pathways including glycolysis and cell division occur in cytoplasm.

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11th Botany : Cell: The Unit of Life : Difference between plant and animal cells |

20 Difference Between Plant Cell and Animal Cell


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